Prior's Field,
originally called Prior's Garth.


Puttenham, near Guildford,

For F. H. Chambers.


Chambers never lived in the house. It was sold after it was built to Leonard Huxley.
His wife, Julia Huxley, converted the building in a 'High Class School for Girls' in 1901-2.

Thomas Müntzer, Voysey's pupil, designed extensions to the school in 1904.



Images courtesy of RIBA Drawings Collection

The drawings for the building are identical with an unexecuted house at Collington Avenue, Bexhill, Sussex,
for A. Barker in 1898



Prior's Field, image on
Courtesy of RIBA Drawings Collection



North elevation from the Barker House, Bexhill, Sussex, 1898, published in The British Architect, 9th September 1898.



Elevations from the Barker House, Bexhill, Sussex, 1898, published in The British Architect, 9th September 1898.



Drawings from the Barker House, Bexhill, Sussex, 1898, published in The British Architect, 9th September 1898.



Ground plan from the Barker House, Bexhill, Sussex, 1898, published in The British Architect, 9th September 1898.



First floor plan from the Barker House, Bexhill, Sussex, 1898, published in The British Architect, 9th September 1898.





Ground floor plan for Prior's Field,
published in Studio, 21/1901, p. 244.
RIBA Drawings Collection


Prior's Field, Plans of First Floor and Ground Floor


published in Hermann Muthesius, Das englische Haus, p.132.


HALLE U. ESSZ. = Halle und Esszimmer = DINING HALL

ARB.Z = Arbeitszimmer = STUDY

WINDF. = Windfang = PORCH

FAHR. = Fahrräder = BICYCLES

W.R. = Waschraum = LAVATORY

C. = WC


GESCH. = Geschirr = DISHES


SPÜ.K. = Spülküche = SCULLERY

FL. = Flaschen (bottles) = BOOTS (at the English ground plan)

KOHL. = Kohlen = COALS



First floor plan for Prior's Field,
published in: Hermann Muthesius, Das englische Haus, p.133.

SCHL. Z. = Schlafzimmer = BED ROOM


Published in Hermann Muthesius, Das englische Haus.


Prior's Field, Garden Plan



Published in Hermann Muthesius, Das englische Haus, p.132.


Photo published in Walter Shaw Sparrow, The British home of today;
a book of modern domestic architecture & the applied arts,



Photo on



The left wing was designed by Voysey in 1900,
the right wing was designed by Thomas Müntzer, Voysey's pupil, in 1904.
Photo on



The left wing was designed by Voysey in 1900,
the right wing was designed by Thomas Müntzer, Voysey's pupil, in 1904.
Photo on



Prior's Field, Puttenham, photo by courtesy of John Trotter


Prior's Field, Puttenham, photo by courtesy of John Trotter



Prior's Field, Puttenham, photo by courtesy of John Trotter



Prior's Field, Puttenham, photo by courtesy of John Trotter



Photo published in Walter Shaw Sparrow, The British home of today;
a book of modern domestic architecture & the applied arts,


Rear Elevation
Photo on



Rear Elevation
Photo on



Rear Elevation
Photo on



Prior's Field, photo by Deborah Mays on



Prior’s Field School (1904) photo on



Photo on


Prior's Field on twitter


Prior's Field, Puttenham, photo courtesy of John Trotter


Prior's Field, Puttenham, photo courtesy of John Trotter



Prior's Field, photo by Deborah Mays on



Prior's Field, photo by Deborah Mays on



The extensions on the right were built by Thomas Müntzer in 1904.
On the left is the field wing extension built in 1988.
Photo on



Phases of construction, painted by Richard Kent, former Chairman of Prior's Field School.
Voysey's building is in red on top of the image.
Source: "Prior's Garth to Prior's Field School" by Catherine Sidwell,
in The Journal of The Voysey Society, Number Three, Autumn 2014, p. 48.



Photographs and Drawings Courtesy of The Royal Institute of British Architects.
Photographs, drawings, perspectives and other design patterns
at the Royal Institut of British Architects Drawings and Photographs Collection.
Images can be purchased.
The RIBA can supply you with conventional photographic or digital copies
of any of the images featured in RIBApix.

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The entry in Pevsner's Surrey (with Charles O'Brien, Ian Nairn and Bridget Cherry, 2022) reads:

PRIOR’S FIELD SCHOOL. Originally Prior’s Garth, a simple rectangular block with roughcast walls, sloping buttresses at the corners, plain hipped roof, and two-storey canted bays on the garden front flanking a seat under the cover of an extension of the roof. Short square tower at the rear corner. By Voysey, 1900, repeating an unused design of 1898 for a house in Bexhill-on-Sea (East Sussex). Commissioned by Frank Harding Chambers, Assistant Master at Charterhouse, but never occupied by him. Inside, mostly preserved details, especially the oak-panelled hall (former dining room) with Wrecclesham green tiles round a concave fireplace in a pillared surround, and stair within a cage and screen of thin uprights. From 1901 Julia Huxley took it over as a progressive girls’ school. Tom Muntzer, Voysey’s assistant and son of his builder, designed the big extension of four ranges round an inner courtyard, completed after his death 1904-6. This presents a three-and-a-half storey central gable and nearly symmetrical side gables to the playing fields and steep roofs broken by large windows on the entrance side. Library on the first floor refitted in 1928 with furnishings by Russells of Broadway. Additional, very harmonious, classrooms (Field Wing) to the N by Brandon-Jones & Ashton in 1964 (extended 1988) and similarly treated Sports Hall of 2001 by Modern Design Group, Godalming.


The Builder's Journal & Architectural Record, XVI, 1903, B4.

Hermann Muthesius, Das englische Haus, pp.132-3.

Walter Shaw Sparrow, The British home of today;
a book of modern domestic architecture & the applied arts,

Catherine Sidwell, 'Prior's Garth to Prior's Field School',
The Orchard, The Journal of The Voysey Society, Number Three, Autumn 2014, pp.37-50.

David Cole, The Art and architecture of CFA Voysey : English pioneer modernist architect & designer, 2015

Alastair Dick-Cleland, "My dear Sir" - Hermann Muthesius, Voysey, and Das englische Haus, in The Orchard 2024, no.13, pp.59-60.


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